mandag, januar 27, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: SteelSeries Xai Laser Gaming Mouse

Review: SteelSeries Xai Laser Gaming Mouse har anmeldt SteelSeries Xai Laser Gaming Mouse, der af udnævnes til den bedste mus fra SteelSeries nogensinde. skriver bl.a.:
SteelSeries’ (SS) design philosophy has always been to create true gaming tools for professional and enthusiast level gamers. Eschewing the gimmickry and pointless flashing parts of many of its competitors, SS instead talks to the people that play games and asks them what they need from there peripherals and goes ahead and creates something to fit those requirements without adding anything superfluous. Such was the methodology used to create the mouse that we’re looking at today, the Xai.

Carrying on from where the highly successful – and rightfully so – Ikari gaming mouse left off, this new model takes the hyper-sensitivity and customisation of its forbear and runs away with it, offering a sensing mechanism that can make 5,001 Counts Per Inch (CPI), take 12,000 Frames Per Second, and cope with 30G of acceleration, and movements of 150+ inches per second. You can also adjust the CPI all the way from 1 to 5,001 in increments of 1, select your polling rate, set your lift distance, and adjust all manner of other software-based mouse trickery.

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Noel Christensen
Noel Christensen
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