torsdag, januar 30, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: Samsung N510

Review: Samsung N510

12125-img2317s har anmeldt Samsung N510, en nVidia ION baseret netbook med 11,6″ skærm. skriver bl.a.:
Netbook technology has been moving at a relatively glacial pace thus far, but while Intel is still tinkering with Pine Trail (its second generation netbook platform that’s due early next year), nVidia has been attempting to muscle in with its Ion platform. It addresses Atom’s main issue, its poor integrated graphics, but until now we’ve only seen Ion in nettops like the Acer Aspire Revo. Now we have one of the first netbooks to use Ion, the Samsung N510 (NP-N510-KA02UK).

In fact the N510, an 11.6in machine with a handsome 1,366 x 768 resolution display, uses an Ion LE chip. This is basically a Windows XP variant of the normal Ion chipset, itself based on the 9400M chipset found in MacBooks (among other things), which drops the DirectX 10 functionality that’s no longer needed since Windows XP doesn’t support it. What you’re left with is a very capable graphics chip that has one important trick up its sleeve: HD video decoding.

Specifically we’re talking H.264 here, though the oft forgotten fact is you need a software player capable of GPU accelerated video playback. To its credit Samsung does provide such a piece of software in the form of Cyberlink Power DVD 8, but we’d recommend using the freeware Media Player Classic Home Cinema, whose file format support is a little wider. It’s not quite as user friendly, but it’s ultimately more powerful and lightweight to boot.

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