onsdag, januar 29, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: Navigon 8450 Live Sat-Nav

Review: Navigon 8450 Live Sat-Nav

Trustedreviews.com har anmeldt Navigon 8450 Live Sat-Nav, udstyret med såkaldt “live services”

Trustedreviews.com skriver bl.a.:
Although TomTom had the market for live-enabled sat-navs to itself for over a year, the competition is starting to hot up. First Garmin mounted a strong challenge with the nuvi 1690, and now it’s Navigon’s turn to enter the fray with the 8450.

Getting the Live services up and running with the 8450 is a little more involved than with the devices we’ve seen from other manufacturers so far. The mobile data unit is not integrated into the sat-nav itself. Instead, this comes as a separate component that attaches between the car or AC power adapter and the sat-nav, via the USB port. So the unit could in theory be added to other Navigon sat-navs, too, including the 6410 and 8410. The 8450 is essentially the 8410 with the Live Services peripheral included in the box.

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Kilde: Trustedreviews.com

Noel Christensen
Noel Christensenhttp://www.eReviews.dk
Noel Christensen - Redaktør på eReviews.dk.


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