torsdag, januar 23, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: MSI X-Slim X600

Review: MSI X-Slim X600

aperto_1 har anmeldt MSI X-Slim X600, en serie der ligner noget vi har set før fra Apple, (Host: Macbook Air) skriver bl.a.:
One of the more curious developments in the whole consumer ultra-low voltage (CULV) movement is the existence of large, ‘thin and light’ laptops. Call us practical and sensible if you like, but anything much larger than an A4 sheet of paper is instantly qualified as ‘less than portable’, no matter how thin or light it might be. MSI is one of many peddling such machines, though, so let’s take a closer look at its 15.6in effort, the X600.

If you’re having pangs of deja vu about now, it’s probably because the X600 is part of the same line of laptops as the previously reviewed X-Slim X340. It wasn’t an especially auspicious start. While it was easy to see what MSI was driving at with the X340 – i.e. a thin, portable, MacBook Air-like laptop for half the price – the execution was ham-fisted. Build quality was poor, performance (particularly battery life) was mediocre and the price too steep.

Happily the X600 does rectify many of the problems of the X340. Build quality is much improved. Gone are the horrible flexing keyboard and mushy keys; in are reasonable fit and finish throughout and some semblance of reassurance. We still have reservations about the overall sturdiness, items like the RAM and hard drive are visible through the system’s venting and seem rather exposed, but the X600 isn’t discernibly worse than 90 per cent of the laptops out there and it weighs a very palatable 2.1kg.

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Noel Christensen
Noel Christensen
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