mandag, marts 3, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: Logitech G110 Gaming Keyboard

Review: Logitech G110 Gaming Keyboard har anmeldt Logitech G110 Gaming Keyboard, en gaming keyboard fra Logitech, helt uden “dikkedarer”. Her er hverken smart LCD display, lys i tasterne eller lignende, til gengæld er det optimeret til brug ved gaming. skriver bl.a.:
The mark of a good keyboard – like a good butler – is that you shouldn’t notice its presence. It may be the main intermediary between PC and user, but generally it’s only when something goes awry that a keyboard gets noticed – often right before being thrown across the room.

Logitech has a good history of producing keyboards that aid, rather than hinder, frustration-free interaction with one’s computer. I used a G15 for several years before finally upgrading to a Microsoft SideWinder X6, after it suffered an untimely death at the hands of a cup of coffee. I still regard the G15 as one of the finest keyboards I’ve ever used and the G110 follows in its footsteps admirably.´

The design is unsurprisingly reminiscent of the G19, sans both the LCD display and the utterly ludicrous price. Logitech is asking £69.99 for the G110, a more reasonable proposition that the G19’s £150-odd MSRP, even if not exactly cheap.

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Noel Christensen
Noel Christensen
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