onsdag, januar 29, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: HTC Legend

Review: HTC Legend

Mobilsitet Letsgomobile.org har anmeldt den efterhånden aldrende HTC Legend, en android baseret smartphone.

Letsgomobile.org skriver bl.a.:
After being the first to bring a smartphone with the Google Android operating system onto the market, HTC also clearly shows the early experience with the Android platform in the latest models. Earlier, LetsGoMobile has had the pleasure to test the T-Mobile  HTC G1, HTC Magic and the HTC Hero. The Android operating system is very hot and every brand is joining up in order to also have Android in their portfolio. The possibilities, the design and the open character make the Android platform highly desired. What HTC also does very smartly and beautifully is adding their own layer on top of the operating system. This makes it not only an Android cell phone, but maintains it as a true HTC smartphone, which makes it distinguishing. Especially in the latest version of HTC Sense, there are handy Widgets and the design is just a bit better than the standard Android design.

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Kilde: Letsgomobile.org

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