mandag, januar 27, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: Buffalo LinkStation Duo

Review: Buffalo LinkStation Duo har anmeldt Buffalo LinkStation Duo, en NAS løsning med 2 diske. skriver bl.a.:
You don’t need me to tell you why NAS devices are just about the best thing since sliced bread. Aside from the peace of mind afforded by knowing all of your critical data is safely backed up in the event of your PC kicking the bucket, said files can also be accessed from multiple computers or even, if you store media on your NAS, by a games console or TV. It is, as the kids say, “pretty rad.”

Buffalo has been in the business of making NAS devices for a long time now and it’s produced some excellent examples – an original TeraStation served as TrustedReviews’ storage repository for several years. This particular model is pitched as an upgrade to the LinkStation Pro Duo and despite dropping “Pro” from its name should prove the superior device.

For a device that’s never likely to be a centrepiece of your home computing setup the LinkStation Duo looks attractive enough. Its compact dimensions of 86mm x 204mm x 127mm should help with hiding the device out of the way should you so desire. Plus the Duo isn’t intrusively loud unlike some NAS devices I’ve had the (dis)pleasure of testing.

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Noel Christensen
Noel Christensen
Noel Christensen - Redaktør på


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