tirsdag, januar 7, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: Apple MacBook - 2009 Edition

Review: Apple MacBook – 2009 Edition

Det er ingen hemmelighed at Apple ofte lancerer nye MacBooks, og det er sket igen for nyligt og Trustedreviews.com har anmeldt den nye Macbook.

Trustedreviews.com skriver bl.a.:
Ever since Apple unleashed the stunning aluminium unibody MacBooks in 2008, its original MacBook looked a forlorn, awkward proposition – an impression confirmed when we reviewed it back in July. Thankfully Apple finally rectified the situation in releasing the now unibodied, polycarbonate MacBook. We’re not given to agreeing with marketing spiel too often, but Apple’s description of it being ‘completely redesigned’ and ‘better-in-every-way’ rings true. Still, at just £100 less than the identically proportioned MacBook Pro 13in, is this enough?

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Kilde: Trustedreviews.com

Noel Christensen
Noel Christensenhttp://www.eReviews.dk
Noel Christensen - Redaktør på eReviews.dk.


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