mandag, januar 27, 2025
ForsideReviewsReview: Acer H7530D

Review: Acer H7530D har anmeldt Acer H7530D, der efter sigende skule bevise at de billige DLP baserede projektorer nu er af en fornuftig kvalitet. skriver bl.a.:
Remarkably, we’re kicking off 2010 in pretty much the same startling vein that we finished 2009: with a Full HD home cinema projector, the Acer H7530D, that costs under £1,000.

Um, or rather, it would have cost under £1,000 prior to the recent hike in VAT. As it is, the cheapest I could find the H7530D at the time of writing was £1,006.98. Hopefully it will be just a matter of time before the £7 or so needed to keep it under a grand gets knocked off.

With Vivitek’s H1085 recently setting a new standard for the £1,000 or less DLP projector market, it’s fair to say the H7530D arrives at a tricky time. But then with pretty much every new projector we see in this sector outgunning the last, maybe it will be able to continue the upwards trend.

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Noel Christensen
Noel Christensen
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