søndag, februar 23, 2025
ForsideNyhederMobilFørste indtryk: Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

Første indtryk: Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

Trustedreviews.com har haft fingrene i den nye, og større Galaxy Tab som nu er med 10″ skærm.

Trustedreviews.com skriver bl.a.:
There may have been plenty of tablets announced at CES earlier this year but it’s out here at Mobile World Congress that we’ve really been able to get our hands on the latest Android 3.0 touting touchscreen devices. And the first that we found ourselves getting to grips with is the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.

As its name suggests, Samsung’s latest tablet eschews the 7in form factor of the original Samsung Galaxy Tab in favour of a 10.1in screen, and frankly, we don’t like the change. While there are advantages to larger tablets, and we’re certainly not saying you’d walk around with a 7in tablet in your pocket with any regularity, the 7in Tab’s more portable and easy to hold form factor really struck a chord with us.

Læs de første indtryk af Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

Kilde: Trustedreviews.com

Noel Christensen
Noel Christensenhttp://www.eReviews.dk
Noel Christensen - Redaktør på eReviews.dk.


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