søndag, februar 23, 2025
ForsideNyhederMobilFørste indtryk: Samsung Galaxy S II

Første indtryk: Samsung Galaxy S II

Trustedreviews.com har haft den nye Samsung Galaxy S II i hånden, og skriver bl.a.:
We had our reservations about the original Samsung Galaxy S but its talents were still many and accordingly it sold like hot cakes. Now Samsung is back with its follow up, the Galaxy S II. Can it possibly achieve the same success?

First impressions are extremely positive, the enormous 4.3in screen looks great with its very thin bezel, and the trio of controls on the front does little to break up the minimalist lines. The 8.9mm thinness is also immediately apparent, along with the phone’s impressively light weight. Probably the single most positive thing to note, however, is the new textured back. Not only does it look great, it’s also a much more practical finish that the glossy plastic of the original. It doesn’t actually provide any more traction in the hand but it should be less likely to slide off soft furnishings.

Læs de første indtryk af Samsung Galaxy S II

Kilde: Trustedreviews.com

Noel Christensen
Noel Christensenhttp://www.eReviews.dk
Noel Christensen - Redaktør på eReviews.dk.


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